Plastic Pellet Application
Fortress’ Alfred range keeps people safe when accessing complex machinery, specifically ones which create large quantities of dust particles like the example below. Dust particles create a hazardous environment which is prone to explosions. The Alfred range is designed and certified to be used in explosive atmospheres / hazardous locations and with additional IP69 certificate, the sealing protection makes Alfred perfect for any heavy duty harsh dusty environment.
In zone 2/22 our solenoid interlock releases access keys to the mechanical only units on the hatches. The hatches are controlled by mechanical only interlocks in zone 0/20. While the keys are being used to access the three hatches on the machine, the safety circuits in the solenoid unit cannot be closed, so the machine remains in a safe state. Once all keys are returned to the solenoid unit the machine will return to normal state.
Click on the interactive image below to find more about our plastic pellet applications!

Outside the Area
Machine controls are placed outside the explosive atmosphere. Learn more about Fortress machine controls options, hardwired or ethernet here.
Solenoid Alfred Unit
Our solenoid unit releases the keys to the hatches when the machine is in a safe state. It can be used in Zone 1/21 or Division 2.
Hatch Mechanical Locks
All our mechanical units can be used in Zone 0/20 or Division 1 as they are entirely mechanical units (made of stainless steel) with no electrical components. These units can only be opened with the access keys provided by the solenoid unit once the machine is made safe.
Hatch Mechanical Locks
All our mechanical units can be used in Zone 0/20 or Division 1 as they are entirely mechanical units (made of stainless steel) with no electrical components. These units can only be opened with the access keys provided by the solenoid unit once the machine is made safe.
Products Mentioned

Learn more about our hazardous and explosive atmospheres range here!