Control of Power to Machine Actuators Webinar Snippets 
Fluid power, what could go wrong?
In this clip, Fortress’ safety experts ask the age old question… what could go wrong with fluid power?
Unfortunately, the answer is quite a lot.
We also show an example of the dangers of fluid power, where the force of a pipe breaking tears a mannequin in half!
To avoid horrific accidents like this, we recommend using a fluid power pneumatic safety valve.
Control of Power to Machine Actuators Webinar Snippets 
Where do "Outputs" sit in the safety related part of the control system?
Here, we introduce outputs as a safety related part of the control system.
While safe outputs are not discussed as often as safe inputs, they are by no means less important in making sure machine operators are safe from harm.
Control of Power to Machine Actuators Webinar Snippets 
Why safe outputs are so important? - An Example
In this short clip, we show an example that illustrates the need for safe outputs as in addition to the other safety related parts of the control system.