The Challenge


The beverage production industry faces intricate safety challenges, with machinery safety being one of the critical aspects. Several machinery-related injuries in drink production factories are caused by applications involving conveyors, bottling machines, packaging machines, and palletisers.


For several months, the Fortress Safety team from our India office has been working closely with a subsidiary of one of the largest beverage manufacturer and distributor in the world. The aim was to reduce risks to personnel working at their bottling sites in India. Initial conversations started after senior personnel from the drink company attended one of the Fortress webinars, and quickly turned into a fruitful cooperation that, to date, continues to evolve.




Finding the Right Solution for the Right Problem


Ensuring the safety of personnel is of the utmost importance for both the customer and Fortress. Our representatives conducted site visits at multiple locations across India and were able to provide recommendations tailored specifically to the circumstances and needs of each site. Considering the differences and variations from one site to another – with many of them having several lines covering different applications – this was a very ambitious project. Typical challenges included:


✅ Addressing situations where there is whole body access


✅ Protecting personnel from being trapped inside safeguarded spaces


✅ Preventing unexpected start-up


✅ Working with legacy machines and different machine manufacturers




Following the visits, our team suggested potential solutions, highlighting their key features and benefits. An important requirement was that the proposed upgrades had to be easy to install, without new wiring and modifications to the existing machines.


Solutions were devised keeping the customer at the core and based on the guiding principle of Ease of Installation, Ease of Operation, and Ease of Maintenance. Throughout the whole process there was always an open line of communication with the customer, going through a few iterations to identify the best options.

graphic icons of ease of installation, operation and maintenance

The products ultimately selected included photoelectric blocking devices and interlock blocking devices (Osbourn range), as well as interlocks from the fully mechanical mGard range, used mainly near machines such as palletizers. These are unique solutions that do not require wiring, therefore able to meet the customer’s needs. The devices were also equipped with personnel keys to provide additional protection against unexpected start-up. For other applications involving filler and blow moulding machines, we provided our robust, heavy duty amGardpro interlocks, that were wired using connectors compatible with the existing system.

The Key to Success


There are multiple factors that contributed to making this partnership a success. Among the many benefits and features offered by Fortress, the customer found particularly valuable the following aspects:


✅ Easy installation of the products – the availability of mounting plates simplified the installation process significantly


✅ Fast delivery times – with products delivered within a few weeks (down to two weeks in many cases)


✅ Simple access, use, and maintenance for personnel – with minimal need for training and no impact on operations


Other key values that stood out were the quick response of our team, the quality of our products, and how we tailored them to meet the customer’s needs.

Future Perspectives


We are proud to have developed a strong relationship with the customer over the last few months. Starting from just three site visits, we have now been involved in upgrading almost 40 sites, contributing to protecting the lives of over 3000 operators. This not only consolidates our position as partner of choice, but also highlights the recognition of Fortress’ expertise. In such a dynamic environment, where challenges continue to evolve over time, we look forward to continuing working closely with other subsidiaries across the world.

Fortress and the Food and Beverage Industry


The products described in this case study were selected based on the requirements for a specific customer. Fortress is able to offer a variety of safety solutions suitable for the Food and Beverage industry, encompassing multiple applications and machines. Examples include compact and hygienic guard locks (suitable for washdown environments), stainless steel interlocks, non-contact interlocks, and more. Contact our team to find out about how our products can meet your specific application requirements.