If you operate machinery in your facility, you know the importance of ensuring the safety of your workers. One way to do this is by using presence sensing devices, which are designed to detect the presence of people or objects in a specific area. But what are presence sensing devices and how do they work?
Let’s explore!
What are Presence Sensing Devices?
Presence-sensing devices are sensors that are used to detect the presence of people or objects in a specific area. They are often used in machinery safety applications to reduce risk. There are several different types of presence-sensing devices, including safety mats, laser scanners, and radar devices.
Safety Mats
Safety mats are pressure-sensitive devices that are placed on the floor. When someone steps on the matt, it sends a signal to the machinery to stop or shut off.
Laser Scanners
Laser scanners use laser technology to detect the presence of people or objects in a specific area. They are typically mounted on a machinery or process control system, and are used to detect the presence of workers in the immediate vicinity.
Radar Devices
Radar devices use radar technology to detect the presence of people or objects in a specific area. Safety radar scanners are often used in outdoor or harsh environments where laser scanners may not be effective.
Alternatives to Presence Sensing Devices
An alternative to these devices is the use of personnel keys. With this method, a worker who needs to access the machinery retains a key while they are working. If the key is not present, the machinery will not start or will shut off if it is already in operation. This helps to prevent incidents caused by unexpected start-ups or restarts of the machinery. Fortress can provide interlocks with this functionality integrated into them.

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They can help you with an entire safety solution, including the supply of Fortress Interlock, machine guarding, safety PLCs, safety relays, and more.