Our Networked Solutions offer communication via
EtherNet/IP with CIP Safety or PROFINET with PROFIsafe
What type of solution are you looking for?
The highly configurable design of the networked product range allows us to piece together elements such as button controls, integrated safe I/O (such as emergency stops, guard locking, and key monitoring), mechanical componentry such as mechanical personnel keys, as well as connectors for external and distributed I/O. The three main device types are interlocks, operator control devices, and safety I/O modules.
Click on the images below to read more about these devices
Explore our product video
Hardwired vs. EtherNet Connection – PROFIsafe & CIP Safety
PROFINET/PROFIsafe and EtherNet/IP with CIP Safety – Safety Devices
What are the benefits of networked communication via PROFINET or EtherNet/IP to the time and cost of installing your safety system?